How to measure distance on Google Maps on any device

How to measure distance on Google Maps on any device

We all know how to use Google Maps to get us from point A to point B, but did you know how to measure distance using Google Maps? This hidden feature is a very useful tool to find out the general distance between any two points on Earth, and you can even measure the distance you will travel along a route with multiple stops along the way.

To get started, you'll first need to download the Google Maps mobile app, or open the desktop version on your computer.

Steps on how to measure distance on Google Maps

  • Open Google Maps on your computer or smartphone.
  • Choose a starting location and then place a pin.
  • Click on the pin and select “Measure Distance”
  • Create a path of points to measure the distance between different locations.

Tools and Requirements

  • Google Maps on PC or Smartphone

Step by step guide on computer

1. Open the Google Maps web page.

(Image: © Al Mustaqbal)

If you are using a computer, you will first need to: Open Google Maps Web Page Use the search bar to find your starting location. You can start from any point on the map you want.

Once you find the right place, Right click on it on the map. A drop-down menu should appear. At the bottom of this menu, You will see an option to measure distance; select it.

2. Find the point you want to measure.

(Image: © Al Mustaqbal)

Once you do that Distance measurement has been determined.You will then need to move the cursor until you find a second point you want to measure the distance to from your first mark.

After you put the second mark A small box should appear at the bottom of the screen. This tells you the distance between the two points. In our case, it tells us that there are 3.71 km, or 2.31 miles, between our office in London and the British Museum if you travel between them in a straight line.

3. Do you want to choose a different point to measure?

(Image: © Al Mustaqbal)

If you want to reset the points you are measuring,Lick the white dot on either end of the line while holding it down and then drag it to a new location.Alternatively, you can click on another point and create a path that travels between multiple locations. Here we measured the distance between our offices in London, New York and Sydney.

Step by step guide on mobile

1. Open the Google Maps app and find your starting point.

(Image: © Shutterstock)

On your iPhone or Android smartphone, Open Google Maps app (Or download it from the App Store or Play Store if you don't have it installed.) Touch and hold any point. This is not a place name or location code and will show a red pin called a “dropped pin”. Click on it and a menu should appear. With distance measurement near the top. Select this option.

2. Find the second point you want to measure.

(Image: © Al Mustaqbal)

after Select distance measurement An icon and a dotted blue line will appear. Drag the map around You can place this symbol in a second location to find the distance between two points on your map. Just like on a computer, you can add more points to your journey to create a route that measures the distance between multiple locations.

To remove a misplaced point, click the undo button.. Click on the three vertical dots to show the More menu and Choosing Clear will remove all the points you have placed..

Final thoughts

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